Wednesday, September 5, 2012


14 hours ago I fell asleep. Then I was woken up. Then I fell asleep again. Now I'm awake.

I dreamt about bicycle accidents and tornadoes. This makes sense given the fact that I recently took a spill on my ride home from work, and that I was asked mid-snooze to relocate to the basement during last night's tornado siren/shit-storm.  The panther attack at the Milwaukee Zoo, though?  Totally unexpected.

The x-rays revealed that I hurt a lot.  Especially here.  The tornado is over.  And I haven't been attacked by any large cat-like creatures.

Lesson:  follow bicycle safety regulations.
Especially when they are shouted

and involve monkey masks.

An interview Julia Henner conducted last Spring has been posted on the interweb bulletin board. It's mostly about janitors, catholic school, and writing.  No panther attacks here, but still a bit unexpected.

I'm excited to hear Eduardo Corral read from his creative work at the Nohr Art Gallery tomorrow and the student discussion on identity and poetics that will follow. It will be nice to see and hear from all.  

I've already started packing.


  1. Replies
    1. Taking a bike trip down the Pacific Coast. Train ticket to Seattle-> Ferry towards Port Angeles-> Highway 101-> South
